Grimm Season 5 Finale – “The Beginning of the End Parts One and Two” Recap. Things Will Never Be the Same. - Your Entertainment Corner
To sum up the two-hour season five finale of Grimm, all I can say is it’s quite an emotional roller coaster. There’s action, mystery, intrigue, diabolical deeds, and heartbreak. Even so, I’m slightly disappointed in “The Beginning of the End, Part One and Part Two.” I am confused as to where the writers are trying to lead us. First, it was the Royals, now it’s Black Claw. I’m perplexed as to what we’re supposed to take away from all that’s happened in season five. What is buried beneath all the rubble of what the Grimm writers have put us through this season? I’m not saying this finale doesn’t have exciting moments filled with intense drama, especially the final scenes, but I need more than just a good dramatic fight scene. I need clarification of what the heck is going on in the minds of these writers. Am I the only one who thinks this way?