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Frenemies? Review: “The Originals” – Tangled Up In Blue

Season 1, Episode 3

Air Date: Thursday, October 15, 2013, 9/8c on The CW.


“Now, in order to get back the brother I love, I have no choice but to side with the one I cannot trust.” – Rebekah

The Originals uses foreshadowing to shine the light on what’s important. Romantic relationships, and even life-long friendships, reign supreme. Or so one would think. These come under inspection as betrayal sets in. Just who can a vampire trust? While I’m not impressed with “Tangled Up In Blue” (the special effects leave a bit to be desired), the episode is solid and moves the plot forward.

Observations and thoughts:

“War.” That’s what Klaus (Joseph Morgan) has planned to get back his brother. I like it. It’s simple, to the point, and doable.

You ever wonder why Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) calls his vampires night walkers. Does the distinction need to be made between the inner circle and his grunts? Another thing I’ve noticed about him is his unfailing belief in friendship. He holds the bonds of friendship near and dear to his heart. I wonder if this relates to his youth. Does he feel the only people he can trust are his friends, his true friends? Doesn’t he have anyone in his inner circle he considers to be a brother in arms? Someone that’s family? Oh yeah, that would be Klaus. Wonder how that’s working out for him. I’m certain Marcel doesn’t trust Klaus. How can he? Although, admittedly, I’d think the sire relationship between the two would hold some weight with them. Shouldn’t Klaus’ blood call to Marcel? Shouldn’t Marcel want to please his maker? Or is that another show I’m thinking about?

These siblings plot like no other.

“You disgust me.” Rebekah (Claire Holt) doesn’t mince words with Klaus. She tells him like it is. I almost agree with her. Here’s the thing; she knows how he can be, how he is, and relishes that when it suits her. However, she’s being a bit judgmental. How can she be accepting of Klaus going about doing something dastardly one minute, and then cut him down the next? You have to take him as he is, or not at all. I realize this is probably why Caroline (Candice Accola) had such a difficult time reconciling the Klaus who wooed her with the Klaus who created chaos.

Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) has taken quite the interest in Elijah (Daniel Gillies) since his disappearance. Reading journal entries, she finds herself pulled into the past; but what she’s looking for, I don’t know. The writers are slowly pulling her character together. I’d like to see more growth though. Remember why Hayley came to New Orleans? She was searching for her parents, yet we’ve heard nothing else about that since discovering she’s pregnant. I feel like she’s being used as a pawn and nothing more. What a waste of Tonkin’s ability.

Davina (Danielle Campbell) is linked to Marcel. Not knowing the how or why isn’t as big a deal as you’d think. It’s too bad the Originals don’t know that one can’t be hurt without it affecting the other. Those pesky witches have something to do with it, I’m sure.

Memorable and funny lines:

Hayley: “The werewolf would like to know what the plan is.”

Klaus: “Well, that depends what plan you mean, love: my plan for global domination, or Rebekah’s plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world.”

Hayley: “The plan to rescue Elijah, you know, the good brother?”


Marcel: “Sometimes it’s good to see the world the way the humans do.”


Marcel: “Here’s a lesson in friendship: friends don’t lie to me, they don’t break my rules, and they do not steal what is mine.”


Klaus: “And it begins.”


Match made in heaven? Who do you think would be hurt most when the chips fall?

Why do the ladies keep making Klaus regret his choices? He talks to Rebekah and gets teary-eyed; he talks to Hayley and gets teary-eyed. It is interesting, don’t you think? Klaus has a heart. (How about that moment between him and Cami (Leah Pipes) during their little chat?) It’s encased in ice but it’s there. I’m guessing there are a few mommy issues lingering that should be looked into. Being the bastard son in the Mikaelson family has left a bitter taste in his mouth. No wonder he’s secretly happy about this baby. Papa Klaus … has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Tune in to The Originals Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit:   Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.