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Exciting New Series! Review: “The Tomorrow People” – Pilot

Season 1, Episode 1

Air Date: Thursday, October 9, 2013, 9/8c on The CW.


“You have no idea what my year has been like.” – Stephen Jameson

I’m totally digging the series premiere of The Tomorrow People. Why? One thing: teleporting. How cool is it that the characters on this show can teleport? It’s the most exciting super power I think anyone could have. Especially someone as lazy as me. See, I could sleep until the last minute, then poof! and appear where I need to be. On time. No traffic. Alas, Stephen Jameson (Robbie Amell) doesn’t feel the same … at least not at first. He finds himself waking up in his neighbors’ bed, not knowing how he got there. It astounded me at first, not knowing about Stephen’s affliction, and I wondered what kind of issue he was having. Doesn’t take long to figure it out though, and man, is it amazing.

Observations and thoughts:

Astrid always has Stephen’s back. Unless she thinks he’s really going nuts.

So, how’s about those super powers? Telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation! I’m sure people will get a hint of the X-Men while watching The Tomorrow People but this isn’t the same. It felt more like I was watching The Matrix because you know, Stephen’s “the one.” It’s kind of passé to have one person be the long foretold savior of the world and they not know it. This disappoints me a bit because it’s not original, but I’m willing to let it slide for the simple fact that the show is cool. Now what will come of Stephen’s revelations remains to be seen. He’s saddling himself with a huge responsibility he may not be mature enough to handle. With Cara (Peyton List) as his guide, I think he’ll do fine. I hadn’t thought of her in that way before, but she’s able to communicate telepathically with him and she constantly mentions their “connection.” That has to mean something.

Just as an aside, I hope the writers don’t try to throw in a love triangle between Stephen, Cara, and John (Luke Mitchell). Considering every other damn show on The CW has a love triangle at some point, I’d like to see this one stay away from that pitfall. No matter how interesting it could be. There’s some serious chemistry between List and Mitchell. Let’s explore that some more, shall we?

Great casting, CW! I love Pellegrino in this role.

The best part about The Tomorrow People has to be Dr. Jedikiah Price (Mark Pellegrino). You don’t know if he’s a good guy or a good bad guy. He’s so charismatic, it doesn’t matter. You want to like him, yet you also want someone to take him down. It’s all Pellegrino too. He has a vibe that exudes cool, smooth, and tough as nails. He portrays the doc flawlessly and with an air of superiority. I do love a good villain! Dr. Price is after Stephen for the same reason the Tomorrow People (TP) want to keep Stephen in their little group. I’m psyched about the underground group of super-humans with supernatural gifts. Who doesn’t love a group of genetically mutated humans who’s daily routine consist of shoplifting, training for war, and other nefarious things? The TP want to separate themselves from humans and live in peace but Dr. Price wants to have them under his control—to use and neutralize at his discretion. So is Dr. Price a bad guy or a concerned uncle trying to look out for his fatherless nephew? Price’s motives remain to be seen.

Stephen’s mom Marlo (Sarah Clarke) is awesome. She cares so much about her son even though she doesn’t know how to help him. It does anger me to know she’s all about medicating him to help him, but she works in the medical field. She must know he needs more than pills to fix him. He’s behaving like his missing (or dead) father. You can’t tell me mom doesn’t know something more than she’s letting on.

Stephen, Russell, John, and Cara face down Dr. Price and his group Ultra.

I must commend The CW on introducing more people of color to the network. Yeah, I keep track. Considering most shows barely have one person of color in the cast, I’m impressed with The Tomorrow People because there’s at least two other cultures being represented on the show. Astrid (Madeline Mantock) is a great friend to Stephen. I like that she’s his best friend because that means we’ll get to see more of her. While I’m not sure how influential she’ll be in his life, I think she’ll be able to keep him grounded. Then there’s Russell (Aaron Yoo). Not only is he a featured TP, he’s pretty kick ass with a great sense of humor. I won’t say he’s the comic relief on the show but he lightens the heavy dramatic theme that could make The Tomorrow People take itself too seriously. He doesn’t throw off a sidekick vibe either. He’s front and center, letting it be known ‘I’m in this just as much as the rest of you.’ It’s easy to push secondary characters into the background for the sake of telling the lead character’s story. I’m happy to see that isn’t happening here.

Memorable and funny lines:

Cara to Stephen: “We’re called Tomorrow People. We didn’t choose the name; I swear.”


Stephen: “If I’m not human, what the hell am I?”

Russell: “You my friend are a homo-superior.”

Cara: “We didn’t pick that name either.”


Astrid to Stephen: “You’re off your meds, aren’t you?”


I’ve watched the pilot for The Tomorrow People more than once. That’s how much I love this new series. I’m looking forward to taking this journey with Stephen and the other Tomorrow People, if only to discover the big twist that’s sure to come. Because you know it hasn’t been revealed yet, right?

Tune in to The Tomorrow People Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit:   Barbara Nitke/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credit: Barbara Nitke/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.