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Bill Is On Fire. Literally. Review: True Blood – “You’re No Good”

Season 6, Episode 63

Air Date: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 9/8c on HBO


“You’re not God, Bill; you’re just an asshole.” – Sookie Stackhouse

Well, well, well… I am pleasantly surprised by “You’re No Good.” The episode isn’t boring, doesn’t make me roll my eyes much, and gives me a few chuckles. Now I’m not saying I’m sold on this season of True Blood (TB) just yet, but “You’re No Good” is heading in the right direction. The vampire/human war is building and tempers are raging. Who do you think will come out on top? It would seem the vampires are the obvious choice, but I wouldn’t count the humans out just yet. Oh, and let’s not forget about the Weres. They may not be out of the er…  woods(?) but they are contenders in the pending battle to come.

Observations and thoughts:

I’m waiting for Eric to step up his game.

I find it interesting that the vampires are running for cover. “The world is changing, Pam, and we have to change with it.” Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) is all for tucking tail and skedaddling but I think he might have something else up his sleeve. Dun, dun, dunh, duh… Remember, Eric killed Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare), a vampire more than twice his age. And Russell was frightening. So I would imagine a few mortals with UV bullets aren’t much scarier than him.

No matter how screwed up these characters are (thanks for that TB writers!), occasionally I find they still cling to a tiny sliver of what their original creator (Charlaine Harris) intended. If you look close enough, you can glimpse the ‘bad boy vampire who doesn’t give a rat’s ass’ hiding behind Eric’s willingness to acquiesce to the humans’ demands. Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) remains the snarky bitch with a ‘tude who loathes anything to do with humans. And I can’t forget Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) exuding his ‘snap with a twist’ flamboyance that I’ve loved since he hit the scene. I’m happy to see the writers aren’t completely raping these characters of their essence. While I can’t say the same for some familiar faces, I can appreciate the efforts being made.

Um, how does Tara (Rutina Wesley) step inside Ginger’s (Tara Buck) door and then ask to be let in? Do I really have to point these inconsistencies out? This is a problem that could have been fixed easily. And you wonder why I say the magic’s gone.

Sam wants to play daddy all of a sudden? What a turnaround.

Why does it appear as though the Were community lives in squalor while the vampire community resides in fancy homes? The werewolves live in a commune no nicer than a dumpy summer camp. I don’t get it. What point is being made in showing how different living conditions are between the two groups of supes?

“Damn it girls, how many times do I have to tell you? Hand lasers off!” I’ve been avoiding mentioning Andy (Chris Bauer) and his new baby daddy status for a reason. This storyline is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Not only is sacking him with four children ridiculous, their growth spurts don’t provide the comic relief I’m sure the writers mean it to. So the bumbling cop gets more responsibility than he can handle and we get what? A few laughs at his expense? I thought there was more to Andy than this but it doesn’t appear his character is expected to grow beyond his duty as an ‘Occifer of the Law’ (har, har). He’s become a sorry excuse of a character with no real use anymore. Why waste such a good actor with a seemingly innocuous plot arc? I’m sure you’ll have figured this out just as well as I have by now though. Andy is the means to an end. Bill (Stephen Moyer) needs faery blood and guess where he’s found it? How convenient is it for him to come across such a plentiful source? Ugh.

Ole Potty Mouth Patty is back. Sookie’s (Anna Paquin) dropping the F-bomb and not apologizing for it. So why the change-up? It’s only been a day or so and she hasn’t been around any naughty vamps to influence her. I guess it has to be her grandpa, Niall (Rutger Hauer). For a faery king, he sure does look like a homeless lunatic. I don’t get how his appearance is supposed to ring true to his status. Is it a disguise? Does he want to remain incognito? You know what would help, if he stops teleporting from one place to another and walk like everyone else. Yeah, it is pretty cool but no one’s asked him about it yet! I’d be the first in line to learn that trick.

Intriguing/funny lines:

Niall to Sookie: “Lock the door behind me.”

(Really? The most dangerous vampire who infiltrated a fae hideout can’t break down a wooden door?)


Eric: “It’s just a bar, Pam.”

Pam: “Not even you believe that.”


Sookie: “You been hallucinating?”

Jason: “Like a motherfucker!”


Bill: “You’re dead to me, Sookie Stackhouse.”


Eric: “It’s okay, Ginger. I understand you’re stupid.”


Was anyone surprised to see this moron again? His wife on the other hand… interesting twist.

“You’re No Good” leaves us on a bit of a predictable cliffhanger. I’m curious to know what Bill has planned for Andy’s daughters and how he thinks he’ll get away with it. And how will the vamps overcome their oppression to regain their rights as citizens of Louisiana? Hmm… doesn’t that sound familiar? Life resembles art, or something like that. Let me know what you think.

Tune in to True Blood Sundays at 9PM ET/PT on HBO.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit: John P. Johnson/HBO ©2013 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.