Dustin Kogler

Professional amateur movie watcher. Dustin is a laid-back nerd who loves discussing pop culture. He loves listening to 80s music, playing video games and watching netflix all day. He's pretty sarcastic and if you tell him your favorite movie he can tell you why you're wrong.

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  1. TV Movie Review: The Rocky Horror Picture Show– Fails To Recapture The Magic — 1 comments

Author's posts

Movie Review: Logan — A Perfect Good-bye.

Movie Review: <i>Logan</i> — A Perfect Good-bye. 1

#Logan breathes new life into the superhero genre.

Movie Review: Custody — Great Performances Fail To Save Generic Melodrama.

Movie Review: <em>Custody</em> — Great Performances Fail To Save Generic Melodrama. 2

Custody is an emotionally manipulative film that serves no purpose other than trying to get a good cry out of its viewers.

Movie Review: The Institute – Decent Thriller Falls Short of Greatness

Movie Review: <i>The Institute</i> - Decent Thriller Falls Short of Greatness 3

Does The Institute succeed in delivering a creepy film? Yes, but to varying degrees.

Movie Review: Ghosts of Darkness – B-Movie Charm That Doesn’t Last

Movie Review: <em> Ghosts of Darkness</em> – B-Movie Charm That Doesn’t Last 4

There are moments of cheesy fun to be had with Ghosts of Darkness but these moments are far and few between.

Movie Review: Lost In Florence – Extraordinarily Bland

Movie Review: <em>Lost In Florence</em> – Extraordinarily Bland 5

Lost In Florence is far from being the worst film ever, but it does nothing to stand out from the crowd.

TV Movie Review: The Rocky Horror Picture Show– Fails To Recapture The Magic

TV Movie Review: <em>The Rocky Horror Picture Show</em>- Fails To Recapture The Magic 6

There is a genuine effort at display here and a clear love for the source material, but Rocky Horror never captures the spark of what made the original The Rocky Horror Picture Show so great.

Movie Review: Girl Flu – Heartfelt and Honest.

Movie Review: <em>Girl Flu</em> – Heartfelt and Honest. 7

Girl Flu is a fantastic debut from Barton. It’s a refreshingly honest tale about leaving childhood behind and dealing with becoming an adult.

Movie Review: Milton’s Secret – A Harmless Family Tale.

Movie Review: <em>Milton’s Secret</em> – A Harmless Family Tale. 8

With excellent performances and a nice soundtrack of classic rock tunes, Milton’s Secret is one the whole family can enjoy.

Movie Review: The People Garden – An Uneventful Tale

Movie Review: <em> The People Garden </em> - An Uneventful Tale 9

The People Garden showcases a terrific performance by Hemingway and some truly beautiful camerawork by Litz but those alone can’t save the film from being an uneventful snooze.

Movie Review: The Neighbor – A Rainy Day Film.

Movie Review: <em>The Neighbor</em> – A Rainy Day Film. 10

While it succeeds in holding your interest, it fails to grip you in any meaningful way.

Movie Review: Sharknado: The 4th Awakens – Unbearable.

Movie Review: <i>Sharknado: The 4th Awakens</i> – Unbearable. 11

Diehard fans may take enjoyment out of this but for everyone else, stay far, far away from Sharknado: The 4th Awakens.

Movie Review: Don’t Breathe – Relentless Terror

Movie Review: <em>Don’t Breathe</em> – Relentless Terror 12

A terror filled ride that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Movie Review: Quitters – A Promising Start

Movie Review: <em>Quitters</em> – A Promising Start 13

Despite some shortcomings, Pritzker’s directorial debut results in a funny and surprisingly heartfelt tale.

Movie Review: Beta Test – So Bad, It’s Good.

Movie Review: <em>Beta Test</em> – So Bad, It’s Good. 14

Although it’s safe to say Beta Test is an entertaining film, it isn’t in the way you might think.

Movie Review: No Stranger Than Love – Original But Mediocre

Movie Review: <i> No Stranger Than Love </i> – Original But Mediocre 15

No Stranger Than Love is not the worst romantic comedy, but it’ll probably escape your memory by month’s end.

Movie Review: The Ghost and the Whale – Wasted Potential

Movie Review: <em>The Ghost and the Whale</em> – Wasted Potential 16

“The Ghost and the Whale” takes a promising premise and wastes it with poor direction and acting.

Movie Review: What We Become – A Fresh Take on the Zombie Genre

Movie Review: <i> What We Become </i> – A Fresh Take on the Zombie Genre 17

“What We Become” is tense, claustrophobic, and highly recommended.

Movie Review: Sacrifice – Great Cast, Predictable Plot

Movie Review: <i>Sacrifice</i> – Great Cast, Predictable Plot 18

Sacrifice tells the story of Dr. Tora Hamilton (Radha Mitchell) and her husband Duncan (Rupert Graves) who move to the Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland with the hope of adopting a baby from the local adoption agency. Shortly after moving, Tora discovers the body of a woman with mysterious runes carved into her back and her heart torn out buried on her property. Despite being told to leave it alone, Tora decides to try to uncover the identity of who this woman was and who killed her. Could something sinister be lurking on the island?

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