Review: #Haven , Season 2, Ep. 211 “Business As Usual” (Forget the mummified “troubles” – What’s in the box, Duke?)


Air Date: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:00 PM E/P on Syfy


Let’s skip past the mummifying affliction case because that’s not what’s most interesting. What is the most captivating are the Teague brothers, Dave (John Dunsworth) and Vince (Richard Donat), being on opposing sides of the “troubled.” Remember the trinket box Duke (Eric Balfour) and his late wife Evi (Vinessa Antoine) found in “Sparks and Recreation” bearing Duke’s family name Crocker only visible under florescent light? Well Evi bought it back from the woman they sold it too because she knew this box was part of something larger and would help uncover the mystery about Duke’s father’s death.

Review: #Haven , Season 2, Ep. 211 "Business As Usual" (Forget the mummified "troubles" - What's in the box, Duke?) 1

Duke (Eric Balfour) finds an unexpected intruder - Dwight (WWE Superstar Edge) on his boat

Why is Vince so anxious about getting this box? He even sends Dwight (WWE Superstar Edge) to take it from Duke – forcibly if need be – because Duke will not give it up easily. Apparently Dwight doesn’t limit his “troubled” cleaning services to just helping Nathan (Lucas Bryant). But Dwight taking the job without full disclosure can be dangerous when you clean up after the “troubled,” especially for a “bullet magnet.” But Vince doesn’t tell him why he wants the box—just that he wants it. If you have to potentially kill someone you know, wouldn’t you be a little curious as to why? Luckily, Duke’s a convincingly smooth talker as he appeals to Dwight’s curiosity regarding the missing details.

“Business As Usual” centers mainly around Nathan and Audrey’s evolving relationship, the mystery box and how it ties Duke and Audrey’s lives together, and Nathan’s tireless efforts to find the woman Audrey believes she is – Lucy Ripley (Victoria Snow). As the mummifying affliction case is resolved, Nathan learns Lucy’s address, but instead of finding answers, Audrey gets a revelation. Lucy says she’s been waiting for 27 years for Audrey to return. If Audrey was there 27 years ago, how has she not aged? Could Audrey’s immunity to the “troubles” also be some sort of immortality? Lucy also tells Audrey a man named Simon Crocker (actor unseen) – Duke’s father — came asking questions. The contents of the box are linked to both Duke and Audrey. And during the struggle between Duke and Dwight, a key was dislodged from the box – a key that opens a much larger box containing Simon’s journal and a bevy of ancient looking weapons and tools.

After Audrey (Emily Rose) killed Rev. Driscoll (Stephen McHattie) in “Who, What, Where, Wendigo?” the town is now divided. There are many who believed in what Driscoll was preaching about the “troubled” and have started to dispense their own brand of vigilante type justice. Despite Nathan’s efforts of keeping the “troubled” details out of police reports, in a small town like Haven, secrets have a way of sneaking out. And now with Dave hosting the meeting of the “troubled”, I’m not sure if he’s doing this to support the them or if he just wants to shake things up. I’d like to know more about the Teague brothers’ infinite knowledge of Haven’s history.

Review: #Haven , Season 2, Ep. 211 "Business As Usual" (Forget the mummified "troubles" - What's in the box, Duke?) 2

Audrey (Emily Rose, L) and Duke (Eric Balfour) look through the mysterious box's contents

Are the Crockers some kind of “trouble” slayers? The larger box Duke finds hidden on his boat contains a variety of items used to possibly stop certain types of “trouble” almost like a supernatural kit for warding off and defending oneself against a “troubled” person. But what strikes me as extremely odd is a passage in Simon’s journal telling Duke he has to “kill her.” When the page is turned, there is a photo of Audrey circa 27 years ago.

Review: #Haven , Season 2, Ep. 211 "Business As Usual" (Forget the mummified "troubles" - What's in the box, Duke?) 3

Nathan (Lucas Bryant, L) and Audrey (Emily Rose, R) interrogate a suspect in the mummification case

This may seem confusing to those who are not weekly viewers but if you haven’t been watching, I urge you to log in at and check out some of the episodes. This show is truly one of my favorites. It has mystery, drama, dark comedy, sarcasm, and a touch of romance. As much as I dislike when the two main leads become romantic, the slow progression of Nathan and Audrey’s friendship into something else has been realistically natural. I wasn’t sure if Nathan was right for Audrey, or vice versa, but when he says, “you’re not just my partner anymore,” it all clicked into place. And when she strides over and plants a passionate kiss on Nathan before leaving to find Lucy, I squealed out in delight. I’ll be honest; Nathan is looking increasingly sexier to me over the past few episodes. Admittedly, I’m a little jealous now. But I think there are other worldly powers and strange ties between Duke and Audrey that may prevent Nathan and Audrey’s relationship from flourishing.

Tune in to Haven Fridays at 10/9c only on Syfy.

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Photos © NBC Universal/Syfy.


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Review: #Haven , Season 2, Ep. 211 "Business As Usual" (Forget the mummified "troubles" - What's in the box, Duke?) 4

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.

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